Hey Guys. How are you all. Today i do not make any extra passages. I will go to the matter straightly.
The topic is about a Real Society things, where the most and biggest problem in present generation. As i am daily trying to make you focus on that. But, i do not know how many are really paying attention on that.
Before going into the matter, I am not doing this for some views, it is for some awareness.
As you can see while opening the website, at the left top corner a pop-up shown highlighting the head line is "STOP RAPE" with Blue color.
Well talking about this problem, It's a world problem for the women who are facing daily and how they are being criticizing daily and it is becoming worst ever daily. This problem will not solve by some helpers. NO ONE WILL HELP YOU even the family also.
It is so much things to say, if we continue like this about Stop the rape. But some of the people taken the first step and invented some devices to save themselves from this situations. But those are not that much acceptable by the people because of the designs.
My doubt is, government will not take any sever action on this, the law is there to study or show off in The Indian Constitution. It is waste to discuss about the government rules. And another one is, we have so much advanced technology developing by the great people and presenting the Big Big Companies. But, they never ever think or developed any technology to stop or to save the women. And posts will be shared in all social media about save women and Happy women's day, like this.
If I am Correct, do comment me and If I am wrong, tell me why?
Well instead of writing all this topic, I have made an research on this Anti Rape Devices. Just go into the video and know what it is with the PUBLIC Reaction.
And Do Respect Women and Stop Rape.
If my content is making good opinion, do Share my Video. I am not asking about the promotion, it is the important matter. Even it is upto you. Thank You.