Flywheel Powered Bicycle with KERS


Hi Guys. I come up with my final year project where i have done for my academics. Here is the full details about it. If anyone want the project documentation and the design files, you can download them in the given links. I hope it will helps you.

As we are the developing in all technologies from the past years with mainly focusing on energy conversion, which means converting from one energy source to another and using it for all the required formats. Likewise, Automobile are also developing from two wheeler’s to multiple wheeler’s. And also using animals to steam engine to petrol engine and diesel engine, present electricity and future on hydrogen.

On our project we are focused on two wheelers which is bicycle where to utilize the lost energy while applying brakes with the help of flywheel. So, with the flywheel will store the energy from the rear wheel when brakes will applied. Therefore, this energy or kinetic energy will use for further more distance and also speed will be increased compared to the normal bicycle.

With this the bicycle efficiency will be increased, with the minimum man effort. Where the most following law “With minimum input to maximum output” in the automobile industry.

Kinetic Energy Recovery System ( KERS )

             The acronym KERS stands for Kinetic Energy Recovery System. The device recovers the kinetic energy that is present in the waste heat created by the car’s braking process. It stores that energy and converts it into power that can be called upon to boost acceleration.

The full detail explanation of the project is available in the video, go through it. Here is the video

Download the Files from here : Model Files and Documentation File

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