FIBERBOTS by MIT Media Lab | Self growing Robots

Hello Guys. How are you all ? Hope you are doing well. Today i brought you the new tech news and its really an impressive one. Actually it is about robotics technology. Lets enter into the topic.

Did you hear about the self working or operating robots. Yeah we had seen many even in the movies also like terminator, I Robot etc,. But did you ever seen robots which can build structures itself just like buildings or any other pillars or towers ?? You had seen like in toy robots. But the robot what i am going to say are differ from others. Those are known as

FIBERBOTS is a general term that refers to small robots or devices that are designed to manipulate individual fibers, such as those used in textiles, to perform various tasks. These robots can be programmed to create complex patterns, weaves, or braids with high precision, which can be used in a variety of applications, such as textiles, composites, and sensors.

The concept of fiberbots is relatively new and still in the research and development stage. There are several different types of fiberbots being developed by researchers around the world, with varying levels of complexity and functionality. Some fiberbots are designed to be completely autonomous, while others require human input and guidance.

As for the inventor of fiberbots, it is difficult to attribute the invention to a single individual or group, as the concept is the result of the work of many researchers around the world. However, some notable research groups working in this area include the Soft Machines Lab at Carnegie Mellon University, the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University, and the Fiberbots Research Group at the University of Stuttgart.

But we are discussing about the fiberbots which are developed by the MIT Media Lab. MIT Media Lab has also been working on the development of fiberbots. The project is called "FIBERBOTS: Digital Fabrication of Tubular Structures." The goal of this project is to create a swarm of small robots that can work together to create large-scale structures using fibers.

The fiberbots developed by the MIT Media Lab are equipped with small motors and sensors that allow them to move along a pre-programmed path, while also being able to respond to changes in their environment. The robots are designed to work together, coordinating their movements to weave and braid fibers into complex, tubular structures.

The working of the fiberbots to create the tubular structures in detail steps are :

Planning: A digital model of the desired structure is first created using computer-aided design (CAD) software. The model is then divided into smaller sections that can be built by the swarm of fiberbots.

Programming: The instructions for each section of the structure are then translated into a set of commands for the individual fiberbots. These instructions include the location and orientation of each robot, the specific fiber to be used, and the movement path for each robot.

Deployment: The fiberbots are then deployed to the work area, which is typically a large flat surface. The surface is typically covered with a layer of material (such as fabric) to hold the fibers in place.

Coordination: The fiberbots work together in a coordinated fashion to build the structure. Each robot moves along its programmed path, using its motor to manipulate the fiber and create the desired pattern.

Sensing and Feedback: The fiberbots are equipped with sensors that allow them to detect and respond to obstacles in their path, as well as changes in the position or orientation of other robots in the swarm. This allows the swarm to adapt to changes in the environment and work together to build the structure.

Completion: Once the structure is completed, the fiberbots can be removed, leaving behind a complex, tubular structure made entirely of fibers.


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