Hi there guys. How are you doing all ?. I hope everything is going fine. Sorry for the delay of posts. I couldn't able to find the best tech topics that will make you satisfied. But today i got something impressive. It is already brought in 2011. It is only available in some particular places like America Airports and in some park places.
Pavegen Floor Tiles which were made to produce electricity using foot steps. When we walk on the titles, they will generate energy which gives power to the street lights. You can see the picture of the tiles as shown below. You can read about the company here Pavegen. The CEO of the company is Laurence who brought this before us.
Well it is really a good idea bringing into life this kind of concept things. Just like walking only need or anything to put continuous force to them. For your clear understanding i provided a introduction video about this below.
The applications of this tiles are, we can use it at anywhere, because of it looks like a home tiles, and its design also impress the public. But how it is working ? Is there any master engineering is there behind it ? The answer is no but we should say it as yes it is. Coming to very clear point, whatever the engineering we learnt that only using again and again. For which application we are using our basic science comes into point. And that is called as master science.
Let's learn how it works :
Actually it is the motor connected tiles at all the three vertices or points of the triangular tile. You can see the shape of tile. And the cylinder part with wires is known as motor or generator which are producing electricity. But how that motor moving while we walking ? The answer is the force which we are applying while walking downward force can rotate the motor using the Tangent mechanism. For your understanding look the below video.
In the video you can see a slider( consider as tile point) which is connected to the cylinder( motor ) which tangent mechanism. So when we applying force on it, the slider should move down. While moving the cylinder is rotating with slider tangent path. There fore, this rotation produce electricity and lighting up the street lights. And when you lift the leg, the slider moves back to its original position with help of spring.
This is how Pavegen Tiles works. I hope you understand my theory behind it. And i do not know exactly my theory mechanism is right. But maybe there is any other mechanisms are used.
is it possible to get access to this 3D Model? And could this be 3D printed to test it?