Power Lines Insulation System | Save Birds

Hi Guys, how are you all ? I hope everyone doing fine. First of all welcome to our blog again where the innovative solutions are found. 

By the way guys, i had discovered a trick about Chain Transmission in Onshape CAD Platform. All of you know that our designs are designed from Onshape only. There was a draw back in the platform where we cannot animate the chain link animation. No one even found that, even though it was there for creating the illusion. But today we got it finally how to animate the chain in Onshape Assembly. Here is the link of the chain animation :  check out once.

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By the way todays topic is about the problem. it was old problem from many years. There is no design explanation in today's post. Because the solution is already there, but it is not implemented due to the cost.

As per the research and blogs written about this already posted and let know the governments also. But only very some of countries are thought about this Power Lines problem. They are first in the place is "Germany & Netherlands", China (districts of Dongcheng and Xicheng) etc. These are the countries are using this underground transmission. 

What is the main problem of pole powerlines?

The answer is already you know that many problems are faced that leads to death. As to provide the power to a small town, we need Kilo Watts of Power. It is huge to handle to the living body. It can make into ashes with in seconds. The problem is these are connected with wires from pole to pole. When the natural attacks happened during floods or in temperature change in  the climate it causes to short circuit and get damaged the whole power lines. Sometimes like birds where used to land on wires are dying due to this high voltage. As like to the people also facing this problem.

Underground Power Lines 

The powerlines which are construct through the earth or ground to the cities where no more need of poles and hanging wires in the streets. This is a good solution for solving the some of the power line problems. But at the same time some problems also there for implementation of underground power lines.

Problems of Underground Power Lines 

There are some problems with the benefits also for this powerline system. The first major problem is the Investment. The cost for construction and for maintenance it needs to spend more money than compared to the present cost. Due to this, the power bill charges will be increased by more than 100% as per the research data

Takes so much time for construction which may causes the delay in other works and uncomfortable for public and traffic also. Coming to the electricity problems are, the wires actually pass so much power, so while passing through them, it causes to heat up. So for cooling them down, we need an insulation, but we already have air which is an natural insulator and as well as air is bad conductor of electricity, where it cannot pass to other mediums. But in earth, the area will be closed and for wired we need the insulation definitely to protect them from rusting as well as for cooling the wires. For this much maintenance it costs more .

From this all points. I got an doubt and also a kindly better solution for it like, we cannot use plastic for insulation because of its heat, either it will melt or causes the short circuit. But we can insulate the wires with different material but at the same time, we need to consider the weight of the wires also.

According to the research, PVC works better for insulation of wires. Many materials are using for insulation as present also like in Transformers and Poles. The main problem keep on saying for providing insulation is, it's weight and heat.


But i got a idea that, we can use the PVC piles for insulation of wires, that can have mini holes which are enough for air enter and for escape also. It definitely works better to avoid the birds death and even from the wires short circuit during natural activities.

But still government think about the money problem means, it can't be override the problem. And we have to wait for the Wireless Power Technology as like Tesla Coil or Wireless Charging Power Transmissions.

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